Christian Long

“Lunch-n-Learn” Skype Chats

See below for videos of the TEDxClassroomProject kids working with various TED visitors:

  1. Kelly Stoetzel, TED’s Content Producer + TED Active Moderator
  2. Rives, TED speaker + TEDActive moderator
  3. Tierney Thys, TED speaker + marine biologist
  4. Jeff Han, TED speaker + tech visionary
  5. Dr. Phil Zimbardo, TED Speaker + Psychologist


On April, 23, 2010, Kelly Stoetzel, TED’s Content Producer + TED Active Moderator, spent 30 minutes via a Skype video chat with various TEDxClassroomProject students talking about how TED selects/supports its conference speakers and the work the students have been doing as they analyze/blog about 640+ TED Talks.

Pt. 1 (8 min, 28 sec):

Pt. 2 (8 min, 35 sec):

Pt. 3: (6 min, 56 sec):


On April 27, 2010, Rives, TED speaker + TEDActive moderator, spent 30 minutes via a Skype video chat with various TEDxClassroomProject students talking about being a spoken word poet and life on the TED stage, as well as the work that students are doing within the TEDxClassroomProject. See below.

Additionally, he did a 1-on-1 mentoring session with Daniella, a 10th grade spoken word artist:

Pt. 1: Daniella performs her first piece for Rives

Pt. 2: Rives offers Daniella feedback on her first piece

Pt. 3: Daniella does her second piece followed by Rives offering more feedback

Rives’ conversation with the entire class:

Pt 1. (7 min, 26 sec):

Pt. 2 (6 min, 57 sec):

Pt. 3 (8 min, 36 sec):

One of Rive’s multiple TED Talks:


On May 2010, Tierney Thys, TED speaker + marine biologist, spent 30 minutes via a Skype video chat with various TEDxClassroomProject students talking about being her passion for the Mola mola (giant ocean sunfish), going to the Galapagos next year, the recent BP oil ‘spill’ down in the Gulf of Mexico, and life on the TED stage. See below.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Her original TED Talk:


On May 11, 2010, Jeff Han, TED speaker + tech visionary, spent 30 minutes talking with the TEDxClassroomProject students about the potential impact of multi-touch technology, how he creates, and what it was like to be on the stage (and find out after the fact that his talk was recorded). See below.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Jeff’s original TED Talk:


On May 17, 2010, Dr. Phil Zimbardo, TED Speaker, Psychologist, Researcher re: Evil, Heroes, spent 30 minutes talking with the TEDxClassroomProject students about the…

Pt. 1:

Pt. 2:

Pt. 3:

Pt. 4:

Pt. 5:

One of Dr. Zimbardo’s talks from the ‘big stage’ at TED:


Eames Demetrios, TED Speaker, Designer, Film Maker

  1. Oh no!!! I missed Dr. Zimbardo! I completely forgot! ):

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